Saturday, 16 April 2016

How to post on blog by taking care of SEO

blogs seo
How to post on blogs by taking care of seo

If you are now to blogging then you are at right place.In this tutorial you will 
learn about how to post on blog by taking care of seo and you will also 
understand the importance of seo.

What is SEO?

SEO ( search engine optimization ) is a process of increasing visibility of 
website on search engines.You can also increase SEO by many ways which 
you will read below in the post.

How to post on blogs?
To post on blogs by taking care of seo  is very important. Without seo , your 
posts are useless. I am sharing you some points to increase your seo by 
applying below points in your blog posts.

To increase seo you have to do a little work on your keywords as keywords 
are most important for seo so i recommend you to use long trail 
keywords instead of using short keywords.Long trail keywords are less 
competitive so you will get good rank on google by quality posting with long 
trail keywords.

 Another good trick for seo is to optimize your images, google doesn't reads 
images so you have to add caption to images and use title and alt text by 
going to properties of image.Image optimization is a good ways to increase 
seo as this help your image to show on google images.
Use "you" and "your" instead of "we" and "us", this look quiet funny but yes it 
will increase your seo as this helps that you are  interacting with readers in a 
good way. By using this little tweak you can increase seo of your post.

Internal link building is a good technique to increase seo of post as well as 
your blog. You have to add high rank post's link on low rank post to increase 
is seo and you can use 2-4 links in one post but use is smartly. After this you 
will see a great increase in seo of your post.

You can also increase seo of your posts by adding custom permalinks 
instead of using automatic.Use short permalinnks instead of long.
ex: If you are writing a post on How to make custom rom then add permalink 
as Make custom rom. This is a great way to increase seo of your post.

So this is my tutorial about how to post on blog by taking care of so,i 
hope you like this tutorial and stay connected for more amazing tutorials.

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