Sunday, 17 April 2016

How to submit your blog's sitemap on google search console

How to submit your blog's sitemap on google search console
If you are thinking to increase seo of your blog, then you are at right 
place.Today i am going to share a simple trick to increase seo of your blog 
using google search console by submitting your blog's sitemap to google 
search console.

Many people thinks that you have to pay to google to get your site site listed 
on google but it is totally wrong thought.You don't have to pay anything.You 
can get your site listed on google by submitting it on google webmaster tool 
and then by submitting your blog's sitemap to google search 
console.Submitting sitemap is very easy and you can do it in few minutes.
So let's talk about sitemap that What is sitemap?
Sitemap is a xml file which contain all urls of your blog which you want to 
search engine see. It is the complete index of your blog.

How to submit your blog's sitemap on google search console?
To do this you have to login to you google webmaster tool and move to your 
dashboard of search console.Then at your right side you will see a option for 
sitemap in crawl.Click on sitemap and then add site and after than put 
sitemap.xml in blank box provided after your site's address.

Thats site, you have successfully submitted your blog's sitemap. Sometime 
it may take time to index your sitemaps so don't think that you have done 
any mistake.

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