Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Top 5 Hacking Apps For Android Devices

Top 5 Hacking Apps For Android
Hacking is a craze in this generation.Everyone want to try it out that how hacking is done? Hacking is not easy as you guys think and it is also an illegal process.You can also try hacking with android devices.Yes you can do hacking with android devices also but it is not guaranteed process if you are using android to do hacking.Did you ever think how hacking can be done using android? To help you out i am sharing some apps that will help you to do hacking using android devices.There are some apps which requires root, so if you don't know how to root android devices than read from below link.

How to root android devices easily

Here are the Top 5 Hacking Apps For Android Devices :

1.Droid SQLi
Droid SQLi is an good app to hack websites easily. This app works on the websites which are vulnerable to sql injection.You cannot hack websites with sql protection.It is the best app for beginners to try out hacking.

Here are some google dorks to find websites which are vulnerable to sql injection:


2.Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC)
Low Orbit Ion Cannon is a tool which is very useful to hacking any low quality site. You can ddos any site whose security is not good. You just have to put the url of the site you want to hack and then you can send data packets to that site you are hacking.It is very easy to use and you don't need much knowledge to use this app.

3.WPS Connect
WPS Connect is a good app if you are looking to hack wifi using android.If you are thinking that this app is prank app but it works.I tried this app but you can hack wifi with wps enabled.So just give it a try and it also requires root access.If you don't know how to root then look above i shared that post so you can learn rooting android.

4.Cheat Droid
This is a great app if you want to browse sqli database,edit database files,export and import of preference files,etc. This is a great app to recover your passwords if you forgot on your own apps.So this is a good app if you are a developer.If you are beginner then don't try it, i am not responsible for any damage.

5.Hackers Keylogger
You can trace full data which is types by the keyboard.So this is the best hacking app for android.You just have to set it as a default keyboard on your enemy's device.Once you done this then you can trace full data.

If you have any other hacking apps which are better from these then comment below.

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