Saturday, 13 February 2016

How To Hide Files And Folders In Android Without Any App

Hi friends, again welcome here. Today i am going to post about how to hide files and folders in android without any app.Hiding your files and folders are very important if you are a bussinessman , if you have something personal that you want to hide or if you want to adult videos from kids.Using app for hiding files and folders is not a good decision as everyone ask you that why are you hiding these files? Show me these. And at last you tell them the password.

Hiding files and folders without app has a good advantage as you tell them that they didn't have any personal things in your mobile.


First of all you have to open your file manager whatever app you use as a file manager.This trick will work in every file manager app and you don't have to waste your data in downloading other file managers.

Now you have to click and hold on any file or folder and then rename it.

Now put a dot in the front of your file or folder name.This step is very important and this trick depends on this step. You can't hide files or folders without this step.

Now you have done with this trick and i hope this works for you . Now you can hide files and folders in android without any app.

Read for tricks like :- How to hack facebook account with memory card

how to login any website without registration or sign up

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